South Orpington Learning Alliance

Help and support for families

We empathize with the significant challenges posed by the current living cost crisis for families. We want to assure you that the staff at all SOLA schools are committed to lending a supportive ear and providing assistance whenever possible.

In anticipation of future uncertainties and changes, we have assembled valuable information to guide you toward relevant resources, if necessary. You'll find a variety of links and useful information on this page.

Bromley IASS

Bromley IASS provides free, impartial, confidential information, advice, and support about special educational needs and disabilities(SEND) for children and young people up to 25, and their parents and carers.

Money Helper

This website can provide support for a budget planner and also can signpost where you can get more help to support with bills.

Turn To us

Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.

Bromley Well

Bromley Well provides a range of advice and signposts to support parents with the cost of living.